Scholarship Opportunities
Are you new to OU or currently an OU student in search of scholarship opportunities?
Then this is the page for you. Below is a partial list of scholarship opportunities! Please contact the OU Scholarship Office or visit their website for information on their opportunities or listings (ou.edu/scholarships/ou).
Ben Shanker Family Foundation Scholarship Fund
Applications Open January 1!
This scholarship was established to support and celebrate a diverse student body and promote the spirit of inclusiveness of all religions and cultures at The University of Oklahoma. To apply, you must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at OU or an international student enrolled in at least one year of study. The scholarship is awarded based upon demonstrated involvement in programs, activities, and interests relating broadly to Jewish-themed academic and cultural engagement, studies in or involving the State of Israel, including coursework in the Hebrew language and Hebrew or Jewish literature. Qualifying academic interests in these fields may be either contemporary or historical.
2025 Scholarship Applications will be open January 1.
Are you an OSU student? This opportunity is available throughout the scholarship office.
Schusterman Center Study in Israel Scholarships
Scholarships of $10,000 each are offered for semester-long study abroad programs in Israel; in addition, we have $5,000 scholarships for those wishing to study in Israel during the summer. The scholarships are open to full-time University of Oklahoma undergraduate and graduate students during the period for which application is made. Students must have completed a minimum of 15 hours of college coursework. Priority will be given to graduate students concentrating in Jewish History and undergraduate students who have officially declared a major or a minor in Judaic Studies or a minor in Hebrew. Applicants must have maintained a 3.0 GPA in Jewish History, Judaic Studies or Hebrew courses and a 2.5 GPA overall.
Deadline: Will update when posted (Spring semester)
*Note: Reach out to Aaron Britton (abritton@ou.edu) immediately if you plan to apply for a scholarship. Education Abroad has their own requirements and deadlines!
Schusterman Center Domestic Scholarships
The Schusterman Center awards merit-based scholarships each academic year:
Esther Rose Shnier XI Chapter of ΣΔΤ Scholarship
The Schusterman Center annually offers two Shnier Scholarships of $3,000. The scholarships are open to any individual who, having completed at least 30 credit hours of college coursework, is a full-time, regularly enrolled student of the University of Oklahoma during the period in which application is made, and who has officially declared a major or minor in Judaic Studies and/or a minor in Hebrew.
Applicants must have maintained a 3.0 grade average on a scale of 4.0 in Judaic Studies/Hebrew courses. The number of completed hours in the major or minors will also be taken into consideration by the selection committee. Any eligible, deserving undergraduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation and the student needs supplemental financial assistance. Applicants will be chosen chiefly on college performance with financial need assuming a secondary role.
Rosalyn W. Price Memorial Scholarship for Judaic Studies
The $1000 Rosalyn W. Price Memorial Scholarship is open to any individual who is a full-time, regularly enrolled student of the University of Oklahoma majoring in Judaic Studies.
Applicants must have maintained a 2.8 grade point average on a scale of 4.0. The overall grade point average may also be taken into consideration by the selection committee as well as the number of completed hours in the major. Any eligible, deserving undergraduate or graduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation.
Zarrow Family Scholarship for Judaic Studies
The $3,000 Zarrow Family Scholarship is open to any individual who, having completed at least three Judaic Studies and/or Hebrew courses, is a full-time, regularly enrolled undergraduate or graduate student of the University of Oklahoma during the period in which application is made. Preference will be given to declared majors or minors in Judaic Studies or minors in Hebrew.
Applicants must have maintained a 3.0 grade point average in the minor on a scale of 4.0. The overall grade point average may also be taken into consideration by the selection committee as well as the number of completed hours in the major and/or minors. Any eligible, deserving undergraduate or graduate student is qualified for either an initial award or a subsequent award if, in the opinion of the selection committee, the student is making satisfactory progress toward graduation.
Scholarships Application Deadline: Will update when posted (March 2025)
Application will open in March!
Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund of the
Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation
The Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund is part of the Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation. This fund originated from a generous bequest by Ruth Jacobi Mack to the Council of Jewish Women of Oklahoma City in 1975. In 1989, the Council of Jewish Women of Oklahoma City requested that the Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund be administered by the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City.
The Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund was made a restricted account in the Oklahoma City Jewish Foundation (the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City’s foundation).
The Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund Committee determines grant parameters for the Scholarship Fund.
Jewish high school seniors and college students are invited to apply annually for consideration of a higher education grant (technical school, college or university). Grants range from $360 - $3,600.
Requirements for Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund grant requests:
1. Applicants must be Jewish, have a permanent address within the service area of the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City, and be legal residents of Oklahoma. The service area includes the following seven counties: Oklahoma, Canadian, Cleveland, Kingfisher, Logan, Lincoln and Pottawatomie.
2. Applicants must submit all requested information electronically to the Jewish Federation by April 15, 2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.
3. Grants will be awarded on the basis of (in no particular order):
Academic achievement including activities, honors and awards received
Financial need.
Demonstration of community involvement and service.
4. Additional details related to receipt of a grant from the Carrie Jacobi Scholarship Fund:
Each recipient must agree to confirm receipt of the grant check.
Each recipient must agree to submit a transcript for the school year in which the grant was applied along with other pertinent information from the school year (activities, honors and school/career plans).
Previous applicants may reapply but must submit, as stated above, the information required following the receipt of the first grant. Applicants who have already received one grant should expect if a second grant is awarded, the amount will most likely be less.
Scholarships must be used for one school year – from fall through summer semesters.
All applicants will be notified of the scholarship grants in June.
Return application and documentation electronically to:
Rachel Johnson, Executive Director
Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City